How to roll for Non-Fungible Memes

Alan Stacks
3 min readApr 1, 2021

Welcome to the world of Non-Fungible memes! Our webapp is still under construction, but fear not! We have a workaround for anyone who wants to roll right away. All you will need is Metamask, BNB, NFMT, and optionally, the Brave browser.

If you received an airdrop for NFMT, make sure you have some BNB for liquidity and gas fees. If you don’t have any NFMT, they can be acquired here:

The first step will be to provide liquidity to the NFMT pool on Pancakeswap.

After specifying you want the BNB/NFMT pool, you can choose how much you want to provide. Each NFM only costs 0.5 liquidity tokens, which as of writing is only a few dollars.

NFM’s are paid for in liquidity tokens

Next you must approve those liquidity tokens to be spent by the NFM contract. This means using the liquidity tokens “approve” function for a number equal to or higher than the amount you would like to spend (input is measured in wei, so 0.5 = 500000000000000000)
The NFM contract is: 0x55a6E2488B9aEF2372c888c6886688f714203b8C
And the liquidity contract is: 0xBD539D678De5aA2bed2681f6AcA8dfD3a73ec49f
(Reminder, these contracts are on the Binance Smart Chain)

Once you have liquidity tokens, and those liquidity tokens are approved to be spent by the NFM contract, you are ready to roll. Head to the NFM contract and interact with one of the roll functions. Each function takes a string as an added source of randomness. (“roll10” buys 10 at a time for a 20% discount)

Voila! You have swapped 0.5 liquidity tokens for one NFM! The ID for this token is 0. If you look up the tokenURI for the ID, it will display an IPFS link (IPFS is a decentralized form of file storage)

IPFS can be accessed via a few different methods, but Brave browser offers native IPFS support and can load the link as normal.

The first NFM minted!

If this process is too involved, fear not, as we have a webapp coming very soon which will make the whole process a lot easier!

